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更新时间:2025-03-24 23:29:53
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transform into的解释

1. This would by no means help transform these SOEs into real business giants in the international market where fierce competition is the norm.

2. NEW YORK - Cigarette smoke can transform normal breast cells into cancerous cells by blocking their normal ability to repair themselves.

3. Local government officials hope the airport will be the catalyst needed to transform the metropolis into a new aviation hub in Asia.

4. The time has now come to put those words into action and transform willingness into actual cooperation.

5. Stem cells are master cells in the body that can transform themselves into other cell types.

6. They realize that by attempting to transform former Soviet republics into " unsinkable aircraft carriers, " the US presence in Central Asia could have great impact upon Russia.

7. By using their keen market sense, they transform traditional industries into business models that are more adaptable.

8. The election committee will transform into the nomination committee when universal suffrage of the chief executive is implemented in 2017.

9. CDB received a $ 20 billion government capital injection in December 2007 and is seeking to transform itself from a policy bank into a commercial lender.

10. Chinese enterprises have to become more creative and competitive to transform the country into a real world power.

transform into

1. A windfall of a million pounds the research showed would be enough to transform even the most miserable person into a picture of joy.

2. transform into在线翻译

2. To make it worse, pollutions from industrial production transform many clean rivers into undrinkable water.

3. Imagine what would happen if an alchemist could transform lead into gold, at no cost.

4. It allows users to transform photos or sketches into works of art, and its advanced range of brushes gives a multitude of effects, such as watercolour, oil, pencil, impasto and ink.

5. Faced with the new situation after China's entering into WTO together with challenges and competitions coming home and abroad, telecom enterprises should transform the traditional operation ideology and management pattern, bring enterprise culture into full play, and integrate the culture construction with the actions of the enterprise, turning it into the impetus for the development of the enterprise and a cardi...

6. The results suggested that most of the water and the organic solvent were escaped from the gel network at the temperature from 100℃ to 150℃. The polymer decomposed at about 400℃. The gel began to transform into g -Al2O3 at about 500℃ and further transformed into a -Al2O3 above 1100℃. The gel transformed into a -Al2O3 thoroughly when it was kept at 1150℃ for
实验所得干凝胶包含的水分和有机溶剂在100-150℃从凝胶的网络结构中大量逸失;400℃左右有机聚合物开始分解,并逐渐进入结晶化过程;500℃左右转化为 g -Al2O3;在1100℃以上开始转变为 a -Al2O3,在1150℃保温0.5~1h ,可以完全转化为 a -Al2O3。

7. The results suggested that most of the water and the organic solvent were escaped from the gel network at the temperature from 100℃ to 150℃. The polymer decomposed at about 400 ℃. The gel began to transform into γ-Al〓O〓 at about 500℃ and further transformed into α-Al〓O〓 above 1100℃. The gel transformed into α-Al〓O〓 thoroughly when it was kept at 1150℃ for 0.5-1h.

8. transform into什么意思

8. I hope one day when I grow up, I`ll invent a multi-purpose machine that can transform all rubbish into useful stuff. At that time, the world we live in will be the one with the sky crystal blue, the rivers clearly clean

9. But it is still a dream to build such a beautiful and clean city in this way. I hope one day when I grow up, I`ll invent a multi-purpose machine that can transform all rubbish into useful stuff. At that time, the world we live in will be the one with the sky crystal blue, the rivers clearly clean, the lawns emerald green, the flowers freshly fragrant, the air totally cleansed, and our world is much cleaner!

10. transform into的解释

10. Like wind turbines, but powered by the flow of water instead of the flow of air, tidal power turbines transform tides or deep ocean currents into electricity.

11. transform into

11. They do not eat men, they crunch them; or, magicians that they are, they transform them into oysters and swallow them.


12. During the process of constructing, we use the idea of inductive assertion method. The target which the inductive assertion method proves is flowchart program. First, the inductive assertion method transform flowchart program into directed graph program with the easy treatment behind. Second, in the directed graph program that is gotten, we can find all the loops.

13. In this paper, we present the classification based analog IC router algorithm and solution, and implement the commercial router. Considering the performance driven method and simplex strategy among traditional algorithms, we transform the performance constraints into the attributes of the nets, and design different routing algorithm according to various net attributes and irregular geometrical requirements.

14. Equol is one of the main components of the soy isoflavones, is the metabolic products of daidzin, and about 30% to 50% the crowd can transform daidzin into equol, influencing factors is not entirely clear, the most important factor is the intestinal flora, equol is a more effective biological effects than its prototype, so it has drawn wide attention.

15. transform into的近义词

15. The purpose of image enhancement is to improve the quality of the image and visual effect, or transform the image into another pattern which is more adapted to the human observation or machine analysis and cognition, so as to acquire more valuable information from the image.

16. Firstly, this algorithm performs a logarithmic transform to convert the multiplicative speckle noise into additive noise, and then performed the nonsubsampled contourlet transform. The coefficients are classified to two types according to the mean value. and then modified to get rid of the noise and check the contours of the ship wakes.

17. In this method, one of the three color components of a color image is coded using wavelet transform zerotree coding, and the component is segmented into several non overlapping subregions in the same size.
在所见到的有关这方面内容的文献中,对彩色图象的压缩编码,几乎都是对彩色图象的 3个色彩分量分别进行编码,而没有去进一步挖掘 3个色彩分量之间存在的更深层关系,其结果不可避免的是运算量大,压缩比低。


18. Rubinstein. The CE method is new approach for combinatorial optimization, and has rapidly developed into a powerful and versatile technique. The basic idea behind the CE method is to transform the original optimization problem to an associated stochastic optimization problem, and then to tackle the stochastic optimization efficiently by an adaptive sampling algorithm based on Kullback-Leibler cross-entropy, importance sample and Boltzmann function.

19. Juvenile salmons spend most of their freshwater life in shallow riffles, mostly at the southern end of their range, until they reach 4–5 in (12–15 cm) in length, when they transform themselves into smolt and are ready for migration in spring the first year after hatching.
青少年鲑鱼花大部分的主要是在其范围,南端的浅 riffles 淡水生活,直到时,他们将 smolt 转换自己的长度,到达 4–5 12–15 厘米)中的,并准备好孵化后第一年春季移民。

20. You can learn how to make your own photo cup holders, how to turn your computer and web cam into a photo booth, how to convert your photos to ASCII art, how to transform your face into a different race color or age, and lots more!

Once SMBHs reach a critical size they can transform into quasars, which are extremely bright objects as small as a star but as luminous as an entire galaxy.(一旦超大质量黑洞到达了临界的大小它们就可以变成有着恒星大小却如整个星系般闪亮的类星体。)
As with most software inspectors, an XML file is generated that you can easily transform into an HTML report through XSLT, as I've done in Figure 3.(像多数软件检查器一样,这里生成了一个XML文件,可以通过XSLT很容易地将它转换成一个HTML报告,就像图3中所做的那样。)
There were postulations that both would transform into superstars, but that is where the similarity ends.(我们可以假定他们二人都可以成为世界巨星,不过那就是为什么总会有那么些相似的结局了。)
First, the resulting DSL's are easy to transform into working software.(首先,最终得到的DSL很容易变换成可工作的软件。)
The activation capabilities support having this one image transform into different WebSphere Application Server configurations when it is initially started.(激活功能支持将这一个映像在其最初启动时转换成不同的WebSphereApplicationServer配置。)
It is hard to believe that a novel sufficed to transform into joyful certainty the suffering of a lifetime.(很难相信一部小说就足以将这一生的苦难转化成了愉悦的必然。)
The researchers at University College London looked at a group of cells which are able to transform into different types of heart tissue in an embryo.(伦敦大学的研究人员观察了胚胎中的一群细胞,他们可以转分化为不同类型的心脏细胞。)
Oncogenes are genes that can cause healthy cells to transform into tumor cells.(致癌基因是一种可将健康细胞变成癌细胞的基因。)
To transform into Tinkerbell, the talented artist used a piece of pinned yellow satin to represent the fairy's hair.(为了变为奇妙仙子,这位天才艺术家用固定好的黄色绸缎来代表仙女的头发。)
In a 110-page manual he gives his patients, he has them select a nightmare they want to transform into a dream of lesser intensity.(在他给病人的一本110页的手册中,他让他们选择一个他们想要将其转化成不那么紧张的梦境的噩梦。)
transform into是什么意思 transform into在线翻译 transform into什么意思 transform into的意思 transform into的翻译 transform into的解释 transform into的发音 transform into的同义词